Day 14

May 15th, 2019
Since there was no sign of snow or rain today Chloe and I made it down to the shore. We had an early practice and then headed over to the beach. It was quite a long day. We started at Salisbury beach which was a lot larger than we expected. We walked about halfway before we got pretty hungry and went for a quick snack. By the way Salisbury just under 4 miles long so chloe and I walked 2 miles down and 2 miles back and managed to pick up a decent amount of trash. After we got some food and took a quick bathroom break we decided to go back to Hampton beach for a second walk through. We didn’t find as much trash there, but that tells us we did a good job the first time around. Chloe and I also found some great piece of trash to use for our project. We also were able to meet up with some friends and we went out to dinner together before chloe and I went back to school. Tomorrow we plan to use some of the trash we found to continue our art statement. Chloe and I worked a total of five hours today.


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