Day 11

May 10th, 2019
Chloe need to go home so she and I decided to divide and conquer. I spent the day creating a slideshow for express fest. I started out by explaining what our senior project is and our motive behind our work. Next I told our plans behind the art pieces. I also used picture of the beaches we went to. Then I decided to do more research on trash in the ocean. I did most of my research on The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Once I leaded about the land of trash it was hard to stop researching the damage. For example, did you know that this mass is twice the size of Texas or that as of right now there is 1.8 trillion prices of plastic the garbage patch. It is estimated to weigh 80,000 tons. After reading this statistic I wondered how this will and has been affecting the marine life. I learned that The marine life is now mistaking plastic and trash as their food ultimately leading to change in behavior, health issues, and their existence. Overall I worked for three hours.


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