Weekly Reflection

The week the weather was very inconsistent, but we didn’t let that stop us from doing our work. Weather is was raining of the sun was shining we were always outside working. Overall I am extremely proud of the work we did this week. Chloe and I started the week by cleaning the a preparing the trash for one of our larger art pieces. We sat in the blazing sun on Chloe’s birthday sifting through the pieces of trash that were clean enough to use. Next, we were able to make it over to the Rye beach on a nice sunny day and we were able to walk the entire length of the beach twice (all the way down and back). We were able to watched the surfers enjoy the cold water and the were waves larger then I had ever seen. We were surprised to see the how many people were out and about on the beach. After marveling over the beach town, Chloe pointed out to me a flaw that could possible help the trash on the beaches. In all of the beaches we have went to she noticed there there were little to no trash cans, this lead to our conclusion the people are to lazy to go find a trash. We feel that by supplying more waste bins less trash will end up in the oceans. Although there was lot of walking on our beach trip we were left with a rewarding feeling. The sunny days continued and Chloe and I decided to start and finish our first art piece. Our main focus on this art piece was on the idea of straws. We figured we should do our part to spread the dangerous effects of straws after seeing so many local beach stores promoting reusable straws. We also learned the horrific fact that it takes 500 years for straws to decompose. Did you know if people don’t change their ways of littering, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050. It breaks my heart the more research I do on the subject, but that is way the work we are doing is to crucial for the environment. Chloe and I plan wrap another art piece this upcoming week and travel to more local beaches.  I am looking forward to another successful week. We are also hoping that the snow in the forecast is not true so we can keep the sun out where it’s supposed to be.


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