
Day 18

Monday May, 21th 2019 For the last day of senior project we thought be right to finish on the beach. So Chloe and traveled to back to Hampton beach. We walked the entire length of the beach and Chloe and I both had our own bags. This was the first time we were able to walk the entire length. We reward our self by getting some lunch. We learned that they were using straws that were made from plants and forks and knives from recycled material. It was a great way to end our senior project. Over all we worked for 4 hours today.      

Day 17

Monday May, 20th 2019 Although Chloe and I finished our 50 hours we did not finish our last art project. So that's what we did today. It was yet another day of getting my fingers glued to everything in sight. We finally were able to finished and are so please with the way it turned out. Once we finished Chloe and I made a interactive guessing game for express fest. We are eager to show people our art and tell everyone of our success. Lastly, we emailed our mentor about the finishing touches of our project. Chloe and I worked a total of 2 hours today.

Weekly Reflection

Week three is coming to an end and I can’t believe how fast it went by. This week Chloe and I went to two beaches in one day, but we worked for a total of 5 hours. Our schedule was a bit messed up because we had a cancelled game at the last minute. So chloe and I need to schedule the our beach days. We went to the beach on Wednesday after our practice. Since our practice was early we knew we were in no rush. Once we go to the shore we started at salisbury beach. Chloe and I walked a whopping 4 miles there. It was two miles down the beach and two miles back. Once we were finished at that beach we went back to Hampton Beach to see if there was more trash that was collected there or if there was anything we missed. Fortunately,  we did not find much trash there. Wednesday was a great day because we also got to see some friends that were staying close by. The other days we have been working on our second art piece. This project is a lot more labor intensive then the last one. It invo...

Day 16

Friday May 17, 2019 Yet another great day of hard work. Chloe and I continued on our second art project. This project is a lot harder then the last one. There as so many components that we need to consider. There as so many different color scheme and not enough trash. So Chloe and i will need to go through some other bags to find good pieces to clean for the project. If we can’t find good ones we will go to another beach. We are planning to finish within the next few days. Chloe and I are really talking our time with our art to get the best out come as possible, but we wish we had more time to perfect it. So far I am confident we will be done in time with a good outcome. We plan to continue our art work to finish for express fest. We worked a total of 2 hours today.

Day 15

May 16th, 2019 Today was an art day for Chloe and I. We continued working of the project that involved the soda cans. The project is consuming more time than we expected because of all the small cuts in the cans. We have also experienced how hard it is to work with crazy glue. I find my fingers will get stuck to the cans, the canvas, and I will even get my fingers stuck together. Today we were able to finish working with the blue cans and we moved on to orange and yellow trash today. We are very please with the way our project is turning out so far. We plan to continue our art work tomorrow. Chloe and I plan on continuing going through the trash we cleaned to keep adding to the canvas. We worked a total of 2 hours today.

Day 14

May 15th, 2019 Since there was no sign of snow or rain today Chloe and I made it down to the shore. We had an early practice and then headed over to the beach. It was quite a long day. We started at Salisbury beach which was a lot larger than we expected. We walked about halfway before we got pretty hungry and went for a quick snack. By the way Salisbury just under 4 miles long so chloe and I walked 2 miles down and 2 miles back and managed to pick up a decent amount of trash. After we got some food and took a quick bathroom break we decided to go back to Hampton beach for a second walk through. We didn’t find as much trash there, but that tells us we did a good job the first time around. Chloe and I also found some great piece of trash to use for our project. We also were able to meet up with some friends and we went out to dinner together before chloe and I went back to school. Tomorrow we plan to use some of the trash we found to continue our art statement. Chloe and I worked a t...

Day 13

May 14th, 2019 Today's forecast start out a light snow slowly transitioning into rain. So Chloe and I decided to keep the creative juices flowing and keep working on our art project. This means Chloe and I cut up more trash and sorted through it by color. We mainly worked with blue colored cans today. Next we reached out to our mentor to keep her updated with our progress. We explained our last weeks work and this weeks plans. We also shared with her our first completed art piece and we were relieved when she told us she was impressed. Tomorrow Chloe and I plan to head back to the beach to clean as much trash as possible. We worked for a total of three and a half hours today.